Book of Magic

Created: 22 September 2023, 22:07:05 UTC
Last updated: 17 April 2024, 00:03:52 UTC

Book of Magic

Magic is extremely important in the world of Aelia, and Bubble Sprites are very well versed in using magic. This book covers general magical information, and also has specifics about each element!

Introduction to Magic

Magic is the ability to utilize a supernatural aura, which is inherent to magical creatures such as Bubble Sprites. Every Bubble Sprite has magic within them, that comes from the elements encapsulated in their bubbles. The glass-like orbs on the ends of their tails hold an extremely concentrated form of their element, and are able to pass that aura through their body, creating "abilities".

To use an ability is to control aura, and this will vary from Sprite to Sprite. Some are born with more aura than others, but can always increase the amount within them with practice (similar to gaining muscle through working out). The most common uses of magic are Manipulation and Conjuring. And of course, there are other ways of controlling aura, but they are more advanced and not many can use them safely.





The easiest form of magic, being able to alter an alreasy existing element within the world is called Manipulation. From changing the course of a breeze, freezing a body of water by touching it, or making a flame burn hotter, any Bubble Sprite can learn to modify something they can see. This ability is often taught to children to allow them to control their powers. But because it is easy to learn, does not mean it is easy to master. A true master of Manipulation can pull off large scale projects, such as changing the weather, or growing an entire field of crops overnight.


This type of magic is to manifest an element from their own aura within, and is a harder technique to learn. Whether it's to grow flowers in their hair, spray water out of their mouth, or shoot light beams from their eyes, the elements can be created to the Bubble Sprite's desires. Because this magic calls for pulling aura from inside oneself, and cannot be seen with the naked eye, it can be a little more challenging for younger Sprites.

Advanced Techniques

On occasion, Bubble Sprites have been found to create their own unique abilities with magic. Most of these Sprites are said to have studied their elements in their natural habitat, and grown a better understanding of their composition, therefore being able to control their own elemental aura better.


Magic in society

Bubble Sprites are one of the most magically capable creatures in Aelia, especially when compared to other races such as Humans or Elves. Due to this, they are revered as being close to deities, practically only being outmatched by the Gods themselves. However, Bubble Sprites do not generally hold themselves to this standard, and rather live their lives unbothered with the societal hierarchy of other creatures. They are aware of the "high status" that is imposed on them, but the majority of the populous will treat other races as equals, and interact with them as they would their own kind.

'Lesser' Beings

Some races in Aelia are self-proclaimed "Lesser Beings", and don't underestimate the capabilities of the Bubble Sprites. Humans often rely on artifacts and relics, which are imbued with magic for them to utilize. Some even have a knack for potion-making, but this is seldom seen for a human. Elves have inherent abilities, though their magic is often limited to enchantmenting artifacts and enhanced potions. It's very rare for an elf to have magic comparable to the average Bubble Sprite.


There are twelve Gods in Aelia, each one representing a member of the Star Zodiac. There are three Gods for each of the four common elements, which has led to the belief that the Bubble Sprites got their magic as a gift from the Gods. And since the Gods are immortal beings that walk among the Aelians, religion isn't often questioned. So while the Bubble Sprites worship the twelve Gods, some may worship a Bubble Sprite, and recognize them as a deity, which then feeds back into their high status as a species.


Tap each element to learn more about them!