Big (Official) Update!

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Jelli

Hello Aelians!

This is an update to let y'all officially know that we've updated to Lorekeeper v3! It's been slowly in progress since like, April, but all of the major bugs should be squashed now! This post will also be going over all of the new and recent features added to the site.

Choice Boxes

As the name implies, these are similar to normal loot boxes, except you can pick what item you receive from it! The current items that have been affected by this are: PupasFluff Nests, and Precious Eggs. Additionally, there will be Potion Crates and Choice Eggs for purchase on the Discord Server!

World Expanded

This is mostly a section of the site for lore! It covers a lot of the world in which Bubble Sprites live (Aelia), as well as other non-species characters who are relevant to them. The information is slowly being added to this part of the site, so don't worry if the pages are blank! It's still being written up!

Fetch Quests

If you've noticed, there's a new page called Fetch Quests, and the only one currently is called the "Dragon's Request". This feature allows you to turn in randomized items for a reward, and you'll be able to do it once every 240 minutes (4 hours). This reward is much higher than the value of the items themselves, if you have the right one!

Trinket Bags/Foraging

There was a temporary addition of free daily Trinket Bags added to the Beginner Shop, because the Foraging function had outdated coding and therefore broke. It has now been fixed, so those freebies have been removed from the shop! Additionally, the 6 eggs from the Easter Egg Hunt have been removed from the Trinkets category, so they will no longer be able to be gotten from your Daily trinket bags. Don't worry, they'll come back next year!

Updated Images

All items have gotten new (and improved) artwork! I'll be working on pets and other site art next, so hopefully it'll be looking all snazzy in the future!

pet Updates

All critters in the future are being turned into pets! This process is still in the works, so you'll see them in the Encyclopedia as a pet, but they are not currently available to obtain. I hope y'all will keep a look out for this development! Additionally, there's a new feature for pets! They now have "affection", if they are attached to a character! You can "bond" with them daily to increase the affection, and obtain rewards in the future for leveling them up. This is also still being worked on, but the feature is there!

User Shops

Along with the v3 update, the way to restock your User Shops has changed! The way to stock your shop now, is by going into the Home Tab » Inventory » Quickstock (top right corner). The inventory page there does have massive font right now, and the images are a bit wonky, but it's mostly just cosmetic trouble, and works just fine!


I think that's everything! Please feel free to message me on Discord (@JelliBrooke), or in the Bubble Sprite Server if you have any questions!



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