General Submissions

General Submissions

Category: General Prompts

Claim rewards for personal art and writing!


Have you been doing art or writing of your bubble sprites?


Well now you can claim rewards for that! This prompt is specifically to be able to claim Coins or Gems for personal pieces! This means that the piece was made without the purpose of being submitted for a specific prompt! This is so that you can be rewarded for your personal artwork, since it cannot add to the value of a character itself!


General Piece information:
  • Please be sure that all content is SFW!!! Gore is allowed, but must include the Content Warning!
  • All pieces must be submitted to the General Gallery before being submitted here! So ONLY links from the site will count!
  • All pieces must include at least one Bubble Sprite that you own to qualify for this "prompt"!
  • You may claim for Coins, or for 25% of the amount in Gems! (Rounded up) Please specify which you'd want to be rewarded in. If you don't specify, you'll be automatically given Coins!
  • Pets items can be earned in this prompt! So including a pet that you own in a piece or artwork or writing will grant you their Gift! Can be stacked with multiple pets!


Artwork Reward Criteria:

Requirements for all pieces: Color of some type! This can be full color, or stylistic Grayscale, but it can't be plain lineart or a colorless sketch!


  • Icons/Busts » 5 Coins per Bubble Sprite you own included.
  • Chibis/Full Bodies » 15 Coins per Bubble Sprite you own included.

Add-Ons (In addition to above reward criteria):

  • Shading » 5 Coins
  • Simple Background » 5 coins
  • Complex Background » 20 Coins (Must include a clear foreground, middle ground, and background. Or have great detail!)
  • Gift Art » 3 Coins per Bubble Sprite that you do NOT own included.

Animation Rules:

  • Each unique pose drawn will count as a new piece, and can be judged accordingly. (Example: an animation with 10 completely uniquely drawn full bodies will count for 150 coins!)
  • Simple animations such as blinking, or smear frames where the figure cannot be clearly made out, do not count for animation bonuses! (Example: the previous example of an animation with 10 frames, but 2 of them are smears (blurry transitions) will count as 8 full bodies, so 120 coins!)


Writing reward Criteria:

Criteria for this is a bit more vague, since I'm not going to be judging based on grammar or content!

  • 5 Coins per 100 words


No rewards.


No skill increase.