Submission (#18) Approved
23 April 2023, 06:15:18 UTC (1 year ago)
23 April 2023, 23:07:02 UTC (1 year ago) by Jelli
Nox shivered trapped in the darkness once again, there was no sense of up or down, light or dark. No sense of time passing nothing but the void of absolute darkness. He never knew when these nightmares would come. They seemed to be more frequent after his parents had died, they had taken on a secret royal mission and never returned. Though Sol would say that they had abandoned them leaving him and his siblings alone and without proper protection or affection. Nox knew better his parents had taken on a dangerous mission and had either been captured or killed. Sol wouldn’t believe him but that was okay, he knew the truth and wouldn’t let his siblings resent their parents, they were hero’s in his eye even if everyone else said differently. He sighed looking deeply into the void of absolute darkness searching for answers for any sign of light, of movement, of anything that would guide him through, it never appeared to give him answers though and he sighed again before standing. Wandering through the darkness he sang a tuneless song to himself letting his mind wander and puzzle over things. Pix had been playing practical jokes on Lumi recently and she was starting to feel like he hated her not that he was just playing around so he would have to talk to him about that. Sol had been moping about trying to figure out how to force his magic to come to his call and Nox had told him it would come with time and when he stopped running from himself which seemed to upset him further but was the truth. Started Nox paused, maybe that’s why he was having these nightmares? Was he running from something or denying something about his very nature? Nox sat down and crossed his legs shutting his eyes in a light form of what he considered meditation. Searching the halls of his mind he tried to understand what he was missing, what was he really thinking and feeling? Why are the nightmares getting worse? His eyes snapped open, were they even nightmares like he had always thought? He was always alone here with no sound or sense of anything but the darkness so he had thought so. Taking his bubble gently in his hands Nox tried to call the darkness to him to not be frustrated or sad but to accept that the darkness and the void might actually be himself. There was a rippling almost shuttering sensation in the void and the darkness around him as it began to respond very slowly at first, and then quickly the darkness disappeared into his bubble leaving him setting in his pod in the family home, though, in the void, he had traveled many miles. He blinked almost blinded by the dim moonlight after the absolute absence of anything. Shaking his head lightly he smiled to himself and held his bubble gently in his hands carefully calling forth the same darkness he had considered a nightmare for so long. It came at his call sprinkling down through the air light a fine mist before seemingly becoming rain like with each drop of darkness spreading until it eat the room and all sense of anything else leaving him shaking but triumphant. Recalling his darkness Nox smiled happily and hummed to himself he couldn’t wait to show Sol, Lumi, and Pix they would be so proud of him. Not that they weren’t because while Sol had been busy protecting the family Nox had been busy learning to care for them all and reading everything he could building a small library that had become popular with the other neighbors and soon he was able to open a small bookshop that had provided for their family. He smiled to himself and stood up stretching lightly before returning to his bed, he had so much to show them tomorrow.
Reward | Amount |
Coins | 75 |
ABS-008: Nox
Reward | Amount |
Magical Certificate (Awards) | 1 |