Submission (#29) Approved

31 May 2023, 23:48:43 UTC (1 year ago)
4 June 2023, 03:44:31 UTC (1 year ago) by Jelli
Windwalker can make himself and one other lighter then air and using the air currents can transport you anywhere rapidly, he loves the all creatures and wants to take care of them. (Including dragons and things that would normally eat Sprites)

Pix smiled to himself pleased as he peeked over the tree branch looking down on Lumi, she was gathering items to make a potion over at Docs lab, he had been working on this prank for a long time clutching the small bundle in his hands, he positioned at roughly over Lumi and let go. Instantly it was chaos as the sticky honey sap exploded from the leafy bundle he had created covering Lumi from head to toe as she yelped in surprise and anger. Growling she looked up into the trees, searching for Pix “I KNOW you’re up there no one else would do this” Pix giggled and clumbed down the tree as Lumi started attracting all kinds of butterflies and lil Jerries to eat the honey sweet sap. He petted one of the lil guys before turning around and facing his younger sister grinning “You always said you wanted to get into raising these guys and now I’ve given you a sweet start.” He giggled as his bad pun while Lumi glowered at him. “Yes but not like this, I don’t have any enclosures ready and no food. Plus you ruined my potion ingredients and I’ll have to gather them all again!” Lumi showed him the small basket that was now covered in honey sap and sighed. Pix felt a lil guilty as both the butterflies and lil Jerries came to feast on the sap covered Lumi. “Could we wash the basket of stuff so you can still use it?” Pix asked while feeding a lil checkered Jerry a bit of the honey sap. Lumi considered the prospect while trying to get as much of the sap off of her as possible. Making up her mind she nodded to Pix and he sat the lil cutie back down on the tree. Turning back to Lumi Pix took the lead heading towards the river since it was closer than their shared home. It was a hot summer day so he figured that the cool water would feel good to Lumi and he could also take a dip to cool off and hopefully Lumi would be up for playing some and less grumpy with him afterwards. It seemed like no one wanted to play or frolick or have fun anymore at least since their parents had gone. Pix sighed and shook his head dispelling the dark thoughts lingering there. Pushing a small sapling aside, he let Lumi go ahead of him to a calm bend in the river he like to go swimming in. Lumi was so soft and yet so strong to him he always found it amazing how she remained calm in all circumstances. Sighing again, he shook his head, thinking to himself that he really should be nicer or at least easier on her, especially with the pranks, but he just wanted to remind his family how to have fun, smile, and laugh again. Sol and Nox were both fastidious, and it seemed to Pix at least that they had forgotten how to have fun or joy, Lumi was a lil better and could at least smile and laugh at the pranks Pix did. Coming back to reality he noticed that Lumi had moved ahead of him and that she was about to get in the water and he smiled to himself and ran to catch up to her, leaving his clothing next to hers on the shoreline, he splashed into the water next to her, causing her to grumble and shake her head at his antics. Getting into the water, Lumi sighed and relief feeling the honey sap leave her for and scales was always wonderful. Pix smiled at her and dove beneath the surface of the water. Well Lumi went back to scrubbing some of the more stubborn sticky spots. Pix green to himself as Lumi busy at her self getting the stick your spots, and he dove under the water. He always enjoyed spending time near the water the creatures always fascinated him, but always made him slightly uncomfortable, so he was determined to become more comfortable with it spotting an opportunity, he snuck up behind Lume and pulled her end of the water, surprising her and starting a sibling, splash war rivalry for a short bit. Laughing and breathless, they both left the water and came to shore to dry off next to their clothes on the sun warmed rocks. Without warning there was a roar and when Pix looked up it was to be met with the site of a huge flash flood moving as quickly as he could. He grabbed Lumi in his arms and said a prayer to their parents, hoping for safety as light and sound were replaced with water and rushing and darkness. Pix panicked He’ll admit when Lumi started to slip from his grip. Reaching deep into himself, he found that his panic was replaced with a temporary calm as he heard the voice of his mother say “ you’ve got this dear heart use your magic” as soon as the Voice was gone the panic was so much deeper because Pix wasn’t sure how to use his magic yet Lumi slipped a little further from his grasp, and he was starting to get lightheaded panicking. He called on everything deep within himself to get his sister and himself to safety squeezing his eyes shut tight he prayed again as he was starting to lose consciousness. Suddenly Pix found himself able to breathe coughing, he opened his eyes cautiously Lumi wasn’t conscious, but they weren’t in the water anymore shocked and more than a little surprise Pix found themselves in a bubble of air over the suddenly raging river, and moving rapidly in the direction of their pods. A few moments later pics found them selves descending as yelled for his brothers to help He turned his attention to Lumi, who had yet to wake up. Sol was out the door immediately followed by Nox. Sol was all business asking what it happened while it seemed like Nox was stunned. Getting a read on the situation, Knox begin performing CPR trying to get the water out of Lumi’s lungs and telling pics to go and get a healer. Calling on the calm he had felt earlier when the Voice was with him Pix lifted into the air and was off to get a healer. Landing in front of the healers quarters he yelled calling out for them to come quick as his sister need an emergency attention not paying attention to who he had grabbed just grabbing the first healer to come they lift it into the air, while the healer, squeaks and surprise, and he whisked them back to the HomePods. Landing in the yard near the pods the healer immediately went to work, removing the remaining water from Lumi’s lungs and making sure she was conscious and OK. Lumi would spend the next few days with the healers recovering while Pix promised her he would gather the ingredients for her potion. He also had a surprise planned for the family he had been working very hard on, and soon would gift them all with their own little Jerrys as he had been working very hard and secret to care for and earn the trust of the adorable little guy is working hard to find ones that he felt would suit each siblings personality.
Reward Amount
Small Bag 1
Coins 115
Silk Caterpillar 1
Thumbnail for ABS-006: Pix

ABS-006: Pix

Reward Amount
Magical Certificate (Awards) 1