Submission (#31) Approved

5 June 2023, 06:16:45 UTC (1 year ago)
11 June 2023, 15:44:44 UTC (1 year ago) by Jelli
(I’m sorry for how long this is!)
“Look I know I shouldn’t have gem frogs next to Blueberry goats because the kids like to like the salt gem frogs but I was doing the best I could with the room I had.” Pix said trying to defend his actions when the kids had escaped the pen and gone on a hyper silly destructive rampage in his pod after licking one of sugar frogs “ it’s not my fault that all of the gem frogs thrive in the same conditions, though I know I should have been more careful to make sure the sugar ones were more secured.” he laughed to himself, and rubbed the back of his head, defending himself to his brothers and sister, whom he was sure had had enough of his antics between the pranks and all of the animals he was always bringing home. Together Sol, Lumi, Nox and himself repaired the damage to his pod, and cleaned everything up which took the rest of the day, but as that was going on, he made a promise to himself that he would bring his family joy again and that he was going to do it by giving them all their own silk moth Jerryies.
The next day, bright, and early, with pack full he used his magic to fly near the tropical zone looking for the perfect clearing to find the sweet and brave tropical spotted Jerrys the ones down here were usually fairly large, and helped their owners discover their own bravery and confidence. Pix figured that would be a perfect choice for Lumi catching down in the clearing he set to work checking to make sure that the Jerry‘s were nearby and then set up a little bowl of fruit that he had prepared and some of this species of Jerry’s favorite lush, sugarcane stocks and then he sat down and waited and waited and waited and waited some more. Eventually, he saw the tiniest little face peek out from the under brush and move confidently towards the bowl he raised his eyebrow and giggled a little bit to himself at the Jerry’s antics it was being so silly, but so brave and he approved. The Jerry was a luminous, soft green with bright orange spots, and now that he was looking at it this Jerry wasn’t little at all. He was huge as the little Jerry climbed up the fruit bowl he went immediately to the sugarcane stocks, and started munching down and he laughed “ you know exactly what you’re looking for. I don’t you little one?” The Jerry looked up at him for a second and almost seem to give a disgruntled look which sent Pix laughing wholeheartedly. “You remind me of Lumi she is a brave girl, but not confident at our self and has a real hard time believing that since our parents left…” Pix paused here for a second before shaking his head “Really I know that they’re dead but I want to maintain some hope that they will come home someday. I know that my siblings don’t think that’s wise but I need that Hope you know?” Pix had shut his as while He had been talking when he opened them. He saw that there were two different Jerry’s, the second one was a creamy pink. They’re both enjoying the fruit and listening to him speak about himself and his sister. This encouraged him, and he reached into his pack and grabbed another sugarcane stock, holding it out to the two of them hesitantly slowly they left the fruit bowl to reach for the stock that he was holding and slowly munching down on it. Well, he talk to them more about his family and his thoughts.
Looking up, he realized he had lost track of time, and that it had been about eight hours now! The Jerry’s had managed to eat the stock of sugarcane, and we are now eating a glowgo (which is a glowing mango type fruit) in his lap. Looking at the Jerry‘s and being a little hesitant, he asked if they would like to come with him, explaining that he came here to get some companions for his siblings and himself. The two Jerry’s looked at each other, and then looked up at him, seemingly having a conversation before crawling onto his outstretched hand. Filling thrilled he had managed to gain their trust pics explained that they would be going back to his pod for a little bit and that they could meet his siblings soon, but that he hoped especially that the big green and orange guy would like Lumi. Lifting into the air, he took all three of them home, leaving the remaining fruit for any of the local wildlife that desired them for a snack or treat. getting home key situated the Jerry’s and got them set up in their individual areas and immediately passed out on his bed. Exhausted today had weirdly taken a lot out of him and tomorrow probably would too, but he was looking forward to it.
The next morning Pix sighed squinting into the early morning light and stretched in his bed. Looking over to the two new Jerry’s he made sure they were doing well. Getting out of his nest he grabbed a quick breakfast, re-packed his pack, the Jerry’s their breakfast, and quickly took care of his small menagerie of critters. The blueberry goats were especially happy to see him today. Pix looked at his map and choose a high mountain area near an active volcano that he knew usually had iron lizards, salt gem frogs, peppermint elk, blueberry goats, and Jerrys that were known for being resilient and sensitive to their owners feelings, Pix figured that would be perfect for his older brothers. Grabbing his gear and setting off through the air, he let himself have some fun doing loops and swirls in the air on the way laughing and just enjoying traveling and his magic. Reveling in the feeling, he touched down in the Alpine Meadow, and set up another fruit this time instead of sugarcane, he put blueberry go horns in there, which seem to be a favorite of this alpine Jerry species. He sat back again a tree and prepared for a long wait but almost immediately, he was greeted by the faces of two inquisitive Jerry’s one was spotted, black and white, and looked so cute and adorable. The other was a soft, creamy, orange color that reminded Pix of honey-mangos and cream. Coming back from his quick musing he noticed that they had reach the fruit and horn bowl, these guys were faster than they looked! Smiling Pix sat back again talking softly he told the two munching adorables about Sol and Nox.
Telling them about their personalities and how Sol used is be sassy and snappy before the loss of their parents, now he was serious and sometimes hard, he worked with the Royal guard as a ranger. Nox used to be more social than the ravers and now was shy and ran a small book shop to bring money in for the family. He continued telling the Jerry’s about growing up with his older brother’s and how he hoped that these two would help them heal a bit. When Pix stopped talking he noticed the bowl was empty and the Jerry’s were gone. Looking into the sky he noticed it was getting lat and with a sad sigh he stood up gathering his gear and slowly climbing into the sky for the long fight home. He did not notice the passengers tucked safely away in his leg warmers.
Getting back to his pod his shoulders slumped and it seemed to take forever for him to put away his gear and check on his critters. Getting to the Jerry’s Pix heart was brightened by the two in their area sleeping away happily stuffed from eating fruit all day and lost in happy dreams. “Well I didn’t manage to make any new friends today but I am hoping if I go back tomorrow that they’ll be there and I can win their trust.” He frowned a little and shook his head anxious though he’d never let anyone seen it. Getting into bed Pix immediately passed out, if he dreamed he didn’t remember it. Waking up slowly he realized he could feel something moving in his bed and wondered if he left someone’s enclosure on pen last night groaning he opens his eyes and tentatively peers around the bed. To his shock there were for Jerry’s right there! Not only that but it was the two he’d been talking to yesterday whooping in excitement he carefully scoops the Jerry’s up and runs to the families breakfast area calling for them all as he did waking them up and pulling them out of their pods. “I’m very excited to say I have a BIG surprise for everyone!” He could barely contain his excitement and the Jerry’s were getting excited too making tiny high squeaks and awes their front legs wiggling around making them even more adorable. Getting to the meal table he sat his hands down and all of the Jerry’s excitedly rushed under the table, except one the creamy pink one stayed on his hand, looking up at him, waving his little arms and Pic smiled brightly. “So you want to be my friend?” The silk caterpillar nodded enthusiastically and began to climb to his shoulder. Pix lifted his hand helping his new friend get comfortable while his siblings all arrived. He told his siblings about these silk caterpillars, and how he had earned their trust and why. Reaching into the food storage area he search for a second looking for the right items, and then came back to the table setting down a blueberry goat horn, a small length of sugarcane, and a honey-mango sliced in a bowl. His own Jerry got very excited about this, and scooted back down his arm, and under the rim of the ball as he lowered it to the table, reaching for piece the lil guy started munching. Pix watched as Lumi grabbed the blueberry goat horn which was no surprise to him almost immediately the black and white. Jerry went to her and began munching away happily while Lumi looking like she might both laugh and cry at the same time.
“Are you okay?” Pix asked and Lumi nodded though this time she did start to cry. In a soft, tearful, but happy voice Lumi responded “Yes this is just the kindest thing you’ve done for the family since you helped us all survive on foraging right after our parents left.” Sol and Nox nodded echoing her sentiments “Yeah this isn’t like you. What’s gotten into you?” Sol asked while reaching for the honey-mango. He wasn’t upset it seemed just curious. “I made a promise to Lumi and to myself to do something that would make everyone happy for a while.” Pix smiled softly and used a finger to gently pet his silky. Nox nodded “Lay off him Sol it makes sense and it is making us all happy.” Sol smiled for a second and nodded the creamy orange Jerry going to him while Nox took the sugarcane and the big green and orange Jerry excited seemed to almost run up to him wigging to be picked up. Pix nodded and smiled sitting down at the table
“Now how about we all play some games together and get to know one another now that we all have made our choices?” The others agreed and the siblings spent the rest of the day is bonding with their Jerry’s playing games together and bonding as a family.
Thumbnail for ABS-006: Pix

ABS-006: Pix

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Thumbnail for ABS-007: Sol

ABS-007: Sol

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Thumbnail for ABS-008: Nox

ABS-008: Nox

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Thumbnail for ABS-009: Lumi

ABS-009: Lumi

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