Submission (#86) Approved

7 November 2023, 21:39:20 UTC (10 months ago)
7 November 2023, 22:22:47 UTC (10 months ago) by Jelli
Kelfmur, or Kelfies are small-ish creatures somewhat resembling the earthly sea slug and pig.

The Kelfies 'whiskers' help it to breath underwater, while it can breath through its mouth above water

They use their 'cloaks' to hide from predators, while also providing a home to smaller species that clean their bodies. Sorta like larger fish with shrimp 

They use bright colors to fool predators into thinking they are poisonous, but in reality, no Kelfie is poisonous.

Above water, they can float via magic, as they literally cant walk.

Kelfies also have great attention to detail, and will often help Sprites when they are foraging.

Though, its best to keep in mind that Kelfies will basically require your attention, nothing makes a domestic Kelfie happier then having the attention and love from a bubble sprite.

I love them so much :3
Copied from gallery submission
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Gems 10